TMA Physicians' Day on the Hill
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
TMA’s annual policy briefing and lobby day in Nashville connects physicians directly with lawmakers so they can advocate for their patients and discuss major issues affecting the medical profession in Tennessee.
Legislators are most receptive to the voices of their constituents. This means YOU are the most powerful force in advancing the cause of physicians and patients in Tennessee. You don’t need to be a political expert to make a difference, you only need the desire to make an impact. Don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and make a difference in the future of healthcare in Tennessee.
TMA prepares you with the necessary training and resources to be an effective advocate on Capitol Hill. Registrants are provided with briefing materials like talking points, lobbying tips, and guides for how to navigate the legislative offices of Cordell Hull.
The Memphis Medical Society will take a bus on March 4 to Nashville. The bus will leave our office at 6:00 am and arrive back in Memphis that evening, typically between 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. If you plan to ride the bus, please select the appropriate registration type.